About Master Heating & Air
We at Master Heating and Cooling have been committed to serving our customers with quality equipment and top-notch service since 1988.
Sharing with you our experience is something we take seriously. Living in a coastal environment can really take a toll on your HVAC system.
We have options available to you that will improve efficiency and extend the life of your investment.
Call Master Heating & Cooling for all of your HVAC needs.

Family Owned
Master Heating & Cooling is an Outer Banks-based family-owned and operated heating and air conditioning installation and services company.
Since its inception in 1988, Master Heating & Cooling strives to be the Outer Banks' most reliable HVAC company. Through high quality work and competitive pricing, Master Heating & Cooling has stood the test of time. We take great pride in offering options that have your best interests at heart.
This family owned and operated company is an authorized Lennox and Maytag dealer, specializing in all phases of service and installation.
"We install the BEST, and fix the rest!"
Meet our Office Staff
They keep us going!
Susan (Co-Owner), Patty (Office Admin) and Michelle (Office Manager/Daughter)
Fielding your calls for assistance and scheduling maintenance check-ups are a small portion of the tasks they tackle every day!
Susan, "Our greatest pleasure is serving our customers!"
Our Office Staff has extensive backgrounds in Property Management, Communications, Office Administration, Sales experience and Customer Service Excellence.
Call today and talk to our dedicated staff and let our family take care of yours!
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